
Many years ago, while I was reading through the entire Bible for the first time, God gave me an insight.

Wow!  There’s a lot of good stuff in here!

Well, that was as far as it got then.  I tried to apply the principles and instructions from the Bible, and failed many times.  May be MOST times.

In the past few years, I attended churches like Redeemer Presbyterian Church, The River and Hillsong (all around NYC).  The sermons were very insightful, inspirational and instructional.  Many Sundays, I found myself saying to myself,

That was a great sermon.  I wonder if he (the pastor) knew that there was scientific proof to parts of his message?

You can see how this blog got started.  He finally stirred enough desire in my heart, and provided time to research, reflect and rewrite the scientific research as it related to Biblical scripture.  Enjoy.

Jay Park